The current configuration file looks like this:
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.Lang = 'de'
-- If you want to use the discord webhook insert it here
Config.DiscordWebhook = '
--Edit the Settings for the Blips
Config.BlipScale = 1.0
Config.BlipDisplayType = 4 --See "INFO BOX" down below
Config.BlipShortRange = true --True / False
Config.BlipMinNameLenght = 3
-- Key settings
-- Can be found here:
Config.PressableKey = 121
--Create new Blips on the map
--Title = Name on Map
--Colour = Color on the Map ( )
--Id = Icon type on map ( )
--x,y,z = Position on the map
Config.Blips = {
{title="Farm Trauben", colour=69, id=79, x = -1823.521, y = 2192.698, z = 95.838},
{title="Verarbeiter Traubensaft", colour=69, id=93, x = 1723.04, y = 4735.257, z = 41.15},
{title="VerkÀufer Traubensaft", colour=69, id=467, x = 1791.415, y = 4594.832, z = 36.76},
{title="Handwerker", colour=3, id=761, x = -2596.6506, y = 1929.5369, z = 167.3086},
-- [ ========== INFO BOX ========== ]
-- [ For BlipDisplayType you can use following settings: ]
-- [ 0 = Wont show on Map | 2 = Shows on Main map and minimap ]
-- [ 4 = shows only on main map | 5 = shows on minimap only ]
-- [ 8 = shows on main map and minimap (but not selectable) ]
-- Chose your own translations
Config.Language = {
['en'] = {
['Blip_Created'] = 'Your blip was successfully created.',
['Blip_Deleted'] = 'Your blip was successfully deleted.',
['Blip_Menu'] = 'XRP Blip-Creator',
['Blip_Menu_Del'] = 'XRP Blip Delete',
['Blip_Menu_Del_Confirm'] = 'XRP Blip Delete - Confirm',
['Blip_Menu_Del_Confirm_Yes'] = 'Yes, delete Blip',
['Blip_Menu_Del_Confirm_No'] = 'No, keep Blip',
['Deny_Delete'] = 'You didnt delete the blip.',
['Confirm_Delete'] = 'You deleted the blip.',
['Blip_Menu_Create_Minlength'] = 'The name have to be atleast '..Config.BlipMinNameLenght..' characters long.',
['Blip_Menu_Create_ID'] = 'Please provide a icon-id for the blip.',
['Blip_Menu_Create_Color'] = 'Please provide a color-id for the blip.',
['Confirm_Save'] = 'You successfully created a new blip.',
['Invalid_Input'] = 'Please insert a valid input.',
['Too_Short'] = 'The name you entered is too short.',
['Blip_Menu_Create'] = 'â
['Blip_Menu_Delete'] = 'â Delete',
['Blip_Menu_Edit'] = 'đ§ Edit',
['Discord_Blip_Created'] = 'An admin just created a new blip',
['Discord_Blip_Deleted'] = 'An admin just deleted a blip',
['de'] = {
['Blip_Created'] = 'Dein Blip wurde erfolgreich erstellt.',
['Blip_Deleted'] = 'Dein Blip wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.',
['Blip_Menu'] = 'XRP Blip-Creator',
['Blip_Menu_Del'] = 'XRP Blip löschen',
['Blip_Menu_Del_Confirm'] = 'XRP Blip löschen - BestÀtigen',
['Blip_Menu_Del_Confirm_Yes'] = 'Ja, Blip löschen',
['Blip_Menu_Del_Confirm_No'] = 'Nein, Blip behalten',
['Deny_Delete'] = 'Du hast das Blip nicht gelöscht.',
['Confirm_Delete'] = 'Du hast das Blip gelöscht.',
['Blip_Menu_Create_Minlength'] = 'Der Name muss mindestens '..Config.BlipMinNameLenght..' Zeichen lang sein.',
['Blip_Menu_Create_ID'] = 'Bitte gebe eine gĂŒltige Icon-ID an',
['Blip_Menu_Create_Color'] = 'Bitte gebe eine gĂŒltige Farb-ID an',
['Confirm_Save'] = 'Blip erfolgreich gespeichert.',
['Invalid_Input'] = 'Bitte tĂ€tigen Sie eine gĂŒltige Eingabe.',
['Too_Short'] = 'Der Name, den Sie eingegeben haben, ist zu kurz. Minimale LĂ€nge: '..Config.BlipMinNameLenght..' Zeichen',
['Blip_Menu_Create'] = 'â
['Blip_Menu_Delete'] = 'â Löschen',
['Blip_Menu_Edit'] = 'đ§ Editieren',
['Discord_Blip_Created'] = 'Ein Admin hat gerade ein neues Blip erstellt',
['Discord_Blip_Deleted'] = 'Ein Admin hat gerade ein Blip gelöscht',
-- Configure the admins that can use this resource
Config.Admins = {
{IP = 'ip:', Steam = 'steam:000000000000', License = 'license:aa7d69422ce5d04be884406d6a3dc0745c51a183', Adminname = 'Jonny Cash'},
{IP = 'ip:', Steam = 'steam:000000000000', License = 'license:4d06c54ec96198e5918b919ac85e81b303decdf6', Adminname = 'Dopamine'},
Last updated