
The current configuration file looks like this:

Config = {}

-- Insert your Discord Webhook here
Config.Webhook = 'REPLACE_WEBHOOK'

-- Here you can add objects which you want to be searchable. Can be found here:
Config.TrashBins = {

-- Define if a bin can be searched multiple times
-- True = Only once | false = infinite times
Config.CacheSearchedBins = true

-- Animation for searching bins

-- Define how many levels of luck you can have
Config.MaxLuckLevels = 15 -- Only change this if you want to increase the chance of NOT finding an item

-- Define the items you can find
Config.FindableItems = {
    One = {
    Two = {
    Three = {
    Four = {
    Five = {
    Six = {
    Seven = {
    Eight = {
    Nine = {
    Ten = {

-- Additional textsettings
Config.TextScale = 0.45
Config.TextFont = 4 -- Can be found here:
Config.TextColorR = 255 -- Value from 0-255
Config.TextColorG = 255 -- Value from 0-255
Config.TextColorB = 255 -- Value from 0-255
Config.TextColorAlpha = 215 -- Value from 0-255

--Translations for InGame Text
Config.Translations = {
    ['already_searched'] = 'Sie haben hier schon gesucht!',
    ['interaction_button'] = 'Drücken Sie [~g~E~s~] um den ~b~Müll~s~ zu durchsuchen',
    ['nothing_found'] = '~r~Sie haben leider nichts gefunden.',
    ['first_part'] = 'Du hast',
    ['second_part'] = 'gefunden.'

-- Which Button should be pressed to search the bins
-- Button-Codes can be found here:
Config.PressableButton = 38

Last updated