
The current configuration looks like this:

-- Initialize the Config
Config = {}

-- Define the key to open the menu
Config.PressKey = {
    PC = 249,
    ControllerOpen = 1625,
    ControllerClose = 1625,

-- Define if the menu is only for the admins
Config.OnlyForAdmins = true

-- Define new peds
Config.Peds = {
    {Label = 'Chimp', SpawnName = 'a_c_chimp'},
    {Label = 'Reh', SpawnName = 'a_c_deer'},
    {Label = 'Husky', SpawnName = 'a_c_husky'},
    {Label = 'Puma', SpawnName = 'a_c_mtlion'},
    {Label = 'Schwein', SpawnName = 'a_c_pig'},
    {Label = 'Taube', SpawnName = 'a_c_pigeon'},
    {Label = 'Mops', SpawnName = 'a_c_pug'},
    {Label = 'adler', SpawnName = 'a_c_chickenhawk'},
    {Label = 'Wildschwein', SpawnName = 'a_c_boar'},
    {Label = 'Katze', SpawnName = 'a_c_cat_01'},
    {Label = 'Kuh', SpawnName = 'a_c_cow'},
    {Label = 'Delfin', SpawnName = 'a_c_dolph'},
    {Label = 'Huhn', SpawnName = 'a_c_hen'},
    {Label = 'Orca', SpawnName = 'a_c_killerwhale'},
    {Label = 'Pudel', SpawnName = 'a_c_poodle'},
    {Label = 'Retriver', SpawnName = 'a_c_retriever'},
    {Label = 'Rottweiler', SpawnName = 'a_c_rottweiler'},
    {Label = 'Sheperd', SpawnName = 'a_c_shepherd'},
    {Label = 'Hund', SpawnName = 'a_c_westy'},
    {Label = 'Panther', SpawnName = 'a_c_panther'},

-- Define new admins
Config.Admins = {
    {IP = 'ip:', Steam = 'steam:11000010b77c507', License = 'license:aa7d69422ce5d04be884406d6a3dc0745c51a183', Adminname = 'Jonny Cash'},

-- Define the texts
Config.MenuTitle = 'XRP Ped Menu'
Config.MenuDesc = 'Play the game in the style YOU want!'

-- Translations
Config.Translations = {
    ['invalid_model'] = '~r~Ungรผltiges Model!',
    ['no_space'] = '~y~Kein Platz!',

Last updated