
The current configuration file looks like this:

Config = {}

-- Local variables for some calculations
local seconds                   = 1000
local minutes                   = seconds * 60
local hours                     = minutes * 60

-- Edit this part of the config.lua for changes to take affect

-- Toggle Debug-Mode
Config.Debug = false

--Change this part if you want another society to get the money
Config.Society = 'society_police'

-- Change this to change the time you want the tax to be send to the player
Config.TaxInterval = 1 * hours -- You can change the "hour" to "minutes" or "seconds" if you want and change the "1" to any time you want

-- Change this to increase / decrease the tax per vehicle
Config.TaxPerVehicle = 300
Config.TaxBusiness = 3
Config.TaxPerProp = 700
Config.TaxPerHideout = 600

-- People dont have to pay for these job vehicles
Config.WhitelistedJobs = {

-- Here you can set how the players money would affect his taxes
Config.BankTax = {
    LowerClass = {
        MoneyLimit = 50000,
        Multiplier = 1
    MiddleClass = {
        MoneyLimit = 500000,
        Multiplier = 2
    HighClass = {
        MoneyLimit = 1500000,
        Multiplier = 3

-- Change this only if you know what youre doing
-- You can enable taxes for other scripts I made (for example for owning businesses)
Config.Modules = {
    XRP_Businesses = true,
    XRP_VehicleOutfits = false,
    XRP_KQ_Hideouts2 = true,
    XRP_Property = true,

-- Change this to the language you want
Config.Lang = 'de'

-- Change some text if you want
Config.Translations = {
    ['de'] = {
        ['taxclass_bankaccounts']               = 'Reichensteuer',
        ['taxclass_kfz']                        = 'KFZ-Steuer',
        ['taxclass_biz']                        = 'Geschäftssteuer',
        ['totalTax']                            = 'Steuern',
        ['taxclass_property']                   = 'Grundstückssteuer',
        ['taxclass_hideout']                    = 'Hideout-Steuer',
    ['en'] = {
        ['taxclass_bankaccounts']               = 'Wealth tax',
        ['taxclass_kfz']                        = 'Vehicle tax',
        ['taxclass_biz']                        = 'Business tax',
        ['totalTax']                            = 'Tax',
        ['taxclass_property']                   = 'Property tax',
        ['taxclass_hideout']                    = 'Hideout tax',

Last updated